Become a Member
Are you Lithuanian? Apply for Hall membership.
If you are of Lithuanian descent or married to a Lithuanian Hall member and are interested in becoming a member, you can apply for Hall membership by filling out the Lithuanian Hall’s membership application. Membership is $25 per person.
Application can be obtained by stopping by the Lithuanian Hall any Friday evening between 4pm and 10 pm and speak to the Manager.
You can request a digital membership application by emailing through the Contact Us Page .
Once approved as a member, you will receive a Membership Certificate, Membership Card and enjoy the benefit of the Lithuanian Hall Annual Meeting (typically in January) and dinner. You will be notified of Lithuanian cultural events and concerts and restaurant Friday night menus.
To become a Lifetime member, you must be of Lithuanian descent or married to a Lithuanian. Lifetime membership allows you to serve on the Hall’s Board of Directors and to have full voting rights to elect Board of Directors and Executive Board members and as well as various discounts for events and activities during the year.
An Associate Membership does not have voting rights. The membership will provide entrance into the bar and allow the purchase of alcohol (if you are 21 years or older). To purchase an Associate Membership, you must be sponsored by a Lithuanian Hall Member.